Same Day Prints


Lowell Blueprint

Large Format Digital Printing

Our large format digital printers can print up to 36" by any length and can print 420 "D" size prints per hour. We offer any size enlargements or reductions as well as re-scaling. Our turn around time is fast and accurate and we offer delivery to your office or job site.


Our color printer prints up to 42” by any length and copies up to 36” by any length on the following paper:

  • 24# bond
  • 36# presentation
  • 4 mil matte Mylar (recordable)
  • satin-finish photo paper
  • Tornado Paper (water & tear resistant)

Black & White

Our digital printers copy up to 36” by and length on the following paper:

  • 20# bond
  • Vellum
  • 4 mil matte Mylar (recordable)
  • Tornado Paper (water & tear resistant)